Why Pubg lite was launched:-
Pubg lite is an alternative way to play PUBG without having a high configuration of RAM and Processor in your Phone. The size of Pubg mobile is almost 2 GB so that is a very laggy experience of PUBG mobile in low Configuration device So PUBG developer thought that how can we provide a PUBG mobile Game in lower device's user without lagging app and without having a high configuration RAM & Processor so that's PUBG lite created If you want to improve oneself and Pubg mobile skill.
Top 3 Gfx tool for pubg lite:-
- Gfx Tool for PUBG
- Gfx Tool for PUBG lite - PUB Gfx
- Gfx Tool for PUBG LITE
1 Gfx Tool for PUBG
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It is for :-
1 who's has less than 3 GB RAM
2 Who want to improve FPS on gaming time.
1 who's has less than 3 GB RAM
2 Who want to improve FPS on gaming time.
GFX tool SETTING for pubg lite:-
1 Select Version - LITE
2 Resolution - 1280(HD)
3 Graphics - Smooth or HD (as well as your configuration)
4 Rendering Quality - Medium
5 FPS - 60 FPS
6 GPU Optimization - Enable
Note:- Other setting Will be Default
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2 Gfx Tool for PUBG lite - PUB Gfx
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Second pubg lite GFX tool is "Gfx tool for pubg lite- PUB Gfx" it is almost similar setting to the first one. It is also an amazing & more impressing GFX tool for pubg lite it is specially developed for pubg lite which device is not support to run pubg lite game smoothly or properly Whose gamer also can use this tool on your device and run Game smoothly if your device is less configuration RAM & Processor that has ability to improve more than 2 time smoothness.
Download link in play store:- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gfxforpublitetool.graphicstoolpu
3 Gfx Tool for PUBG LITE
The last Gfx tool for pubg lite is "Gfx Tool For PUBG LITE" it is another GFX tool you can use for enhancing your gaming skill and smoothness it is good for pubg lite But another 2 is better than this GFX tool app.
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Download link in play store:-https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gfxlitetool.graphicsettingfx
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